Problem: What I want to do is select a month and then have a PDF file names SL_mmm.pdf display where mmm is the month passed from the dropdown. Both the *.php file and the *.htm file are in the same directory with the PDF file in a subdirectory under that. What is happening is on the htm page I am picking Feb and hitting Go, then the browser shows website/PVETest.php?month=Feb Then I get page not found 404 error but it is there. It is like the htm page is not really getting to the PHP file. Environment: Software loaded and verified Win Server 2003 IIS 6.0 PHP 5.4 VC9 x86 FastCGI WinCache 1.3 Visual C++ Redistributable files for X86 PHP has been tested and works from command prompt All FastCGI changes have been made per documentation php.ini contains [PHP] register_argc_argv = off request_order = "GP" session.gc_divisor = 1000 session.hash_bits_per_character = 5 engine = On short_open_tag = On asp_tags = Off precision = 14 output_buffering = 4096 expose_php = On max_execution_time = 30 max_input_time = 60 memory_limit = 128M error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT display_errors = On display_startup_errors = Off log_errors = On log_errors_max_len = 1024 error_log = "C:\Bin\testphp.log" report_memleaks = On track_errors = On html_errors = On variables_order = "GPCS" request_order = "GP" register_argc_argv = Off auto_globals_jit = On post_max_size = 8M auto_prepend_file = auto_append_file = default_mimetype = "text/html" default_charset = "UTF-8" include_path = ".;c:\Inetpub\PHP\includes" doc_root = user_dir = extension_dir = "c:\Inetpub\php\ext" extension = php_wincache.dll cgi.force_redirect = 0 fastcgi.impersonate = 1 fastcgi.logging = 0 upload_tmp_dir = "c:\windows\temp" upload_max_filesize = 1000M max_file_uploads = 5000 default_socket_timeout = 60 extension=php_exif.dll extension=php_gd2.dll extension=php_ldap.dll extension=php_mbstring.dll extension=php_mysql.dll session.save_path = "c:\windows\temp" End: fcgiexe.ini contains ; ; ----------- ; fcgiext.ini ; ----------- ; [types] php=PHP [PHP] ExePath=C:\Inetpub\PHP\php-cgi.exe Arguments=-c "C:\Inetpub\PHP\php.ini" EnvironmentVars=PHPRC:"c:\Inetpub\PHP\" InstanceMaxRequests=10000 EnvironmentVars=PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS:10000 ActivityTimeout=90 MonitorChangesTo= Protocol=NamedPipe StderrMode=ReturnStderrIn500 RapidFailsPerMinute=10 MaxInstances=100 QueueLength=10 IdleTimeout=300 ActivityTimeout=70 RequestTimeout=90 InstanceMaxRequests=1000 FlushNamedPipe=0 UnhealthyOnQueueFull=0 HTML code
PHPTest.php code