12-13-2014, 12:46 AM
Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Troubleshooting
NOTE:This document provides solutions for some of the most common problems encountered with wireless keyboards and pointing devices (plural term for mouse).
If you do not see the symptom in the following list or your keyboard and mouse are not wireless, use one of the following support documents:
- View a video on wireless mouse and keyboard troubleshooting
- Wireless mouse and keyboard do not work
- The mouse does not track well (skips)
- Keys do not type, characters appear seconds later, or wrong characters appear when typing
- A key is stuck
- Increasing battery life
- This document pertains to HP and Compaq Desktop PCs with a wireless keyboard and mouse.
NOTE:This document provides solutions for some of the most common problems encountered with wireless keyboards and pointing devices (plural term for mouse).
If you do not see the symptom in the following list or your keyboard and mouse are not wireless, use one of the following support documents:
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