Run System Health Check For Windows

Run System Health Check For Windows: Here is a tool that most people never use or talk about, but it can come in very handy when you want to run a check on your computer systems Hardware, Software and any Programs you may have installed on your operating system and its built into Windows operating system., so if you looking to troubleshoot any issues and want to try and fix / repair them, it won’t hurt to give this tool a try.

1. Click Start Button then Run. Windows 7 or Windows 8 Right-click bottom left corner and select Run


2. Type perfmon /report and then click OK.


3. In 60 seconds it will create a full system report.


4. Now you see your results. you can use the drop down arrows to see your report in detail.


5. Once you click on drop down menu you can see results. (example for one menu below)


The report is pack with good info for troubleshooting issues:
Here is a list of areas it logs:
Diagnostic Results, Warnings, Performance,
Software Configuration, OS Checks, Security Center Information, System Services, Startup Programs
Hardware Configuration; CPU, Network, Disk, Hot files, Disk Breakdown, Physical Disk, NTFS Performance, Memory, Report Statistics.

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